

Äggkapsel rocka

Swedish rays and skates

In the seas around Sweden there exist about 14 different specie of skate and ray, mostly on the west and south coasts and the southern Baltic. The thornback ray, common skate och starry ray are the most common specie. The thornback and starry rays can be as large as 60-125 cm, while the common skate can grow to between 2-3 m. They live at a depth of between 10 till 1000 m, but during mating and egg laying they are usually found in shallower water.
Thornback ray
Thornback ray
Common skate
Common skate
Starry ray
Starry ray


Rays and skates usually mate during the spring. During courtship the male can follow the female for hours and with his head try to tip her over onto her back. When he finally suceeds, the couple will swim belly against belly. Fertilization takes place within the female.

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Swedish rays and skates


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© Aquascope 2000   Tjärnö Marine Biological Laboratory, Strömstad, Sweden
Bo Johannesson | Martin Larsvik | Lars-Ove Loo | Helena Samuelsson