Distribution in scandinavian waters
Maximum length: 15 cm.
Appearance: The calcareous shell is white or light yellow in
colour. On the shell of living gapers is a light green to brown-yellow
surface, but has usually been worn away on shells that have been washed
up onto the shore. One of the shells has a large flat lock that fits
into a corresponding cavity on the other shell. The mantle bay inside
the shell is large.
Depth: 0 - ca 8 m.
Environment: Commonly,the Sand gaper lives dug
down in soft bottoms, but can sometimes be found living
in cavities among belts of Blue mussels.
Misc: This well known Swedish mussel originates from
North America and came to Europe during the 16th centuary, probably
with the help of man.
Classification: The Sand gaper is a member of the
bivalve group under the molluscs.