
Läromedel ITiden

The Foundation for Knowledge and Competence Development (KK-stiftelsen) has awarded the honour, "Läromedel ITiden" to Tjärnö Marine Biological Laboratory for the production of Aquascope. The prize, 20 000 kr, was presented by the Swedish Minister of Education, Thomas Östros, at the opening of the international three day conference on IT and learning, Links98, in Stockholm.

At the exhibition, six prizes were awarded for different innovative multimedia productions aimed at schools and adult education. Within the category mathmatics, earth and technical sciences, Aquascope was chosen as the winner.

The jury, comprising of representatives from The Ministry of Education, KK-stiftelsen and different multimedia producers, were looking for good and innovative productions that contributed to a pedagogical new-thinking within Swedish schools.

Justification for awarding the prize was: "Aquascope constitutes with its wealth of information, its illustrative and fine pictures, a priceless compliment to the already exisiting teaching materials and environment within nature studies. Student and pupil interaction over the Internet and the possiility of asking researchers questions are promising examples of how the Internet can be used in the future."


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© Aquascope 2000   Tjärnö Marine Biological Laboratory, Strömstad, Sweden
Bo Johannesson | Martin Larsvik | Lars-Ove Loo | Helena Samuelsson