Aquascope Facts
Air pollutants like nitrogen oxides and many other chemical compounds originate from a great many industries. Built-up areas produce large amounts of exhaust fumes that contain nitrogen oxides and in many western countries, automobiles are responsible for between 40%-80% of the total discharge of nitrogen oxides, but the use of catalysators can reduce the discharge by 70%-75%. Even with the use of fossil fuels such as coal and oil for energy production results in nitrogen oxides.
Sleigh ride
This is a fun and non-polluting way to travel, but is not always felt to be quick and effective.
To do something about the discharge of nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere, several steps that are partly related to each other need to be taken:
  • increasing energy saving and making energy exchange more efficient, especially in the eastern states of Europe.
  • cleaning of discharge from the burning of fossil fuels before it is released into the atmosphere.
  • replacing the use of fossil fuels with renewable energy sources such as solar and vind power and biomass (composting, etc).
  • reducing automobile usage and speed (a car travelling at 120 km/h produces four times as much nitrogen oxide as a car travelling at 60 km/h)
  • the developement of a more environmentaly sound fuel, making engines more energy conserving and efficient.
        There are different methods, with varying degrees of efficiency and advancment, to reduce the discharge of nitrogen oxides with the burning of fossil fuels. But the best and most logical way to reduce discharge is by reducing the use of fossil fuels.
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    A splendid outing ?
    Problems and expectations
    ”It was better before"
    Seawater and soluble salts
    The sea moves
    Coastal waters are close to us
    What is eutrofication?
    Sources of over-fertilization
    How the open masses of water are effected
    How shallow bays are effected
    What can we do?
    Alga harvest

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    © Aquascope 2000   Tjärnö Marine Biological Laboratory, Strömstad, Sweden
    Bo Johannesson | Martin Larsvik | Lars-Ove Loo | Helena Samuelsson